BlueBlood presents an UltraHappy Alarm spider cactus princess


Say that five times real fast. However you say it, this UltraHappy joint from BlueBlood’s Amelia G and Forrest Black has a lot going on. The mistress of all things glittery and bright and some time cam girl, UltraHappy Alarm is rocking some fun colors in this one.

Neon Green eyes, ultra pink hair, light purple plum lips, deep yellow eye shadow and some orange outlines to top it off — I haven’t seen this many neon colors since David Lee Roth made me go through his closet for spring cleaning.

If you need a bit of Happy in your life (and who the hell don’t?), then this is definitely one for you. In fact, why not double up after looking through the photos and order the book. After all, who couldn’t use a bit of happy in their own home?

If this was an UltraHappy Alarm spider cactus princess anime character, I would certainly watch the heck out of it. I love this fantastic creative look and I’d love to watch her save the galaxy through misadventure and candy treats. Selects from this shoot appear in the coffee table art book Ultra Happy Alarm, shipping this month! This is the last week to place pre-orders for the book and T-shirt. The T-shirt is limited edition, so this week is the last chance to get one for yourself.


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